Jumpy Jack


Dear Jess,

My dachshund/jack russel mix won’t stop jumping all over guests as they enter my home. How do I stop this excitable behavior? Please help

~ Dog Dad in Atlanta

Dog Dad in Atl.,

Simple! Stop having guests.

Kidding. Generally, jumpers are somehow being reinforced for their jumping whether inadvertently or otherwise. If you ever allow your dog to jump on you, it’s more difficult for him to distinguish when it’s acceptable and when it isn’t. If you scold him for jumping either by pushing him down, telling him to stop, or some other form, he’s still getting the attention he seeks. There are a few different things you can do, and since you can’t train every person who comes to your house to make him sit for pets (humans are much more difficult to condition,) work on making him listen to YOU when guests come over. Do this with treats and your guest’s attention for a reward. Jackpot! This is going to take a lot of patience, consistency, and persistence. It’s also going to take some time to work on, and it definitely helps if you have some willing participants to help you practice above and beyond real-life situations. For more detailed suggestions and a training plan, contact me for a full session!

Jess HamanComment